How can electric heating help reduce CO2 emissions in steel manufacturing processes and how can advanced stainless steels and alloys enable companies to become more efficient, more sustainable, and sometimes also help improve lives? On June 26 – 27, Green Steel World and Hydrogen Tech World will unite experts, decision-makers, and companies working to decarbonize the steel industry. Alleima will be among of the presenters.

Sustainability and circularity are integrated parts of the operations at Alleima. With products and solutions that enable greater energy efficiency, renewable energy production and greener transportation, Alleima has identified sustainability as a success factor to compete within its industries. At the event, Dilip Chandrasekaran, Business Development Manager at Kanthal and Angela Philipp, Technical Marketing Specialist, Tube EMEA, at Alleima, will discuss products and solutions enabling renewable and novel technologies, and improving energy efficiency.

“Alleima has built a portfolio of products that have made the company an industry frontrunner, with products and solutions contributing to sustainability. Sustainability is an integrated part of our strategy and of crucial importance for the society around us as well as for our customers. Our products can enable our customers to be more sustainable and it is crucial that we work closely together to develop the best solutions,” Håkan Sundström, Head of Governance and Sustainability.

Alleima has a portfolio of more than 900 active alloy compositions for processing into different niche applications. Some examples that contribute to the renewable energy sector are tubular products for solar power, carbon capture and storage and hydrogen refueling stations. The seamless steel tubes for the energy, chemical and aerospace industries help reduce environmental impact.

Products like bipolar plates made of coated strip steel are the most critical component in a fuel cell engine, and compressor valve steel increases the energy efficiency of compressors for white goods or air conditioners and can save billions of tons in CO2 emissions globally through more efficient air cooling. Efficient coiled on-site tubing solutions for “no waste, fitting-free” continuous installation at hydrogen fueling stations and in industry. Alleima ultra-fine wires for medical and micro-electronic devices, can improve and save people’s lives.

To ensure Alleima’s customers that products have low impact, it has been decided to implement Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). In conjunction to the event Alleima is also sharing product-specific and reviewed carbon footprint data on its manufactured solid bar products, used for segments like Chemical- and petrochemical, Industrial, Oil and Gas and Transportation. Calculations of products like the Sanmac 316L show an 81% reduction in carbon footprint in comparison to global average.

Dilip Chandrasekaran, presentation will be held on June 27 at 9:30 am at Green Steel World. He will discuss the benefits and advantages of electric heating in steel-making processes, and how the technology enables the industry in making the transition to fossil fuel-free steel.

Angela Philipp will talk about materials for Hydrogen applications and compare properties based on the chemical composition on 27 June at 15.45 at 15:45 pm at Hydrogen Tech World.

Also listen to Marcus Hillbom, Business Development Manager at Alleima, talking about ”Influencing factors for carbon emission when making stainless steel" on 26 June at 11:05 am, at Speakers corner.