
The Swedish company is active worldwide and, in addition to individual printing, also offers the possibility of choosing many different designs and wallpaper patterns from a wealth of templates. Ordered online, the wallpapers arrive within a few days. Individuality and personality can be printed in this way.

The joint venture between Koenig & Bauer and Durst is bearing fruit. And these are so extensive that with the new Varijet 106 a completely industrial, digital inkjet press has been created that satisfies even the highest demands. And if that's not enough, there is also the option of incorporating analogue printing technologies for finishing. By Sabine Slaughter

29 July was Earth Overload Day. This is the day in the year on which mankind has used up the annual renewable resources. Accordingly, we would need 1.7 Earths to satisfy our consumption. Unfortunately, this is not possible, because a second earth has not yet been found. Nevertheless, there are ways and possibilities to relieve our planet. By Sabine Slaughter

During the still ongoing pandemic, values have shifted. Humanity comes first, of course. But for printing it also means that issues such as sustainability play a major role. The latter, coupled with new applications, most of which have emerged from changing consumer behaviour, are leading to an acceleration of development. By Sabine Slaughter

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