It was long before Greta Thunberg started her “Skolstrejk För Klimatet” (School Strike for Climate) in 2018 that have we been talking about sustainability.
Whoever still remembers the start of Global Print Monitor in 2008, most likely also thinks about the launch of a trade magazine, that offers more to the printing community – and even at that time we already established the category sustainability. And now the time has come to take an additional step and launch a magazine that encompasses and combines all the efforts that members of the print and publishing community but not exclusively those and many more engage in, when it comes to sustainability: All About... Sustainability ( is here.

News, editorial, captivating stories as well as research and innovation, organisational efforts, among others that is happening all around sustainability, climate change, the circular economy and more find their place and offer an exciting read, give food for thought and might offer the sustainable solution for you that you look for.
Sustainability – a wide range
Sustainability is or is not an expression that means all of the below
• Waste and Water Management
• Climate protection
• Inks that are climate-friendly, biodegradable and ink savings
• Paper, corrugated and cardboard as well as other materials that come from renewable and recycled sources as well as the whole sourcing process, the afterlife of products and materials
• printing processes that save on ink, water, energy and more as well as their streamlined workflows using less raw materials
• logistics and transport whose environmental footprint is reduced towards the absolute minimum
• smart cities, cars, factories, health and also living that leaves a lower and lower impact on the planet earth and its resources by humans
• energy that is retrieved from renewable resources
• clean water, a restricted resource on our planet, needs to get saved, and less used for manufacturing processes etc.
and much more
That is why All About... Sustainability ( is here.
Consumers want sustainability
Latest since Covid-19 started striking country after country, humankind got aware of the power of nature. People humbly recognise that only sustainability and acting sustainable will save and secure their future. If not already before, the pandemic has changed humankinds behaviour.
• 80 % of Germans are willing to pay up to 6.5 per cent more for a sustainable product*
• more than 90 per cent of consumers think climate protection is important**
• 60 per cent of consumers try to buy environmentally friendly products as often as possible**
• 50 per cent of consumers take note of CO2-emission of food products (38 per cent of drugstore/chemist products)**
and there is more, much more...
That is why All About... Sustainability ( is here.
New normal
People around the world take note of all the changes around them. Waste – ocean waste, landfills and others – are looked upon negatively because they impact the environment negatively. Our wide range of animals are dying and becoming extinct. The eon’s old balance of our planet is getting out of control. Heat, freeze, water levels rising,, droughts, fires, plants suffering are some of the effects that we can see already becoming the “new normal”.
“New normal” an expression that is more than referring to the pandemic rampaging planet Earth. It also refers to all the damage that humankind has done to the planet. It refers to humankinds’ efforts to not only “repair” Earth but also save it and its manifold living beings – be they plants, animals, humans or even resources.
This “new normal” has given us a clean slate that we are allowed to write upon. It gives us an opportunity, a chance and the once in a lifetime significant possibility to change our behaviour towards any and all life and non-life. Let us all take this potential in our own hands and write on that slate only good things that benefit all, everyone and every thing. Help us to be sustainable and act sustainable for the wellbeing and balance of Earth.
That is why All About... Sustainability ( is here.

Be a Partner, Be a Sponsor
Be part of it ... be a partner to All About... Sustainability ( Suppliers and other organizations decide to be a partner, and together we will be able to share the complete range of missions, offers and case studies as well as innovations and best practices – virtually all information, on a continuous basis.
An important component of our mission is to support suppliers and other organizations in being transparent with audiences. Sending out regular newsletters, engaging with our readers thus making those audiences aware of all what can be done.
in order to be able to make decisions knowing they are looking at all possible options, everyone needs to be and act like it is the last straw that will enable sustainability and keep life going. This is also an available lead to unprecedented »new opportunity for suppliers opening« of markets and transparency enabling sponsors and companies to be put on the selection list as possible suppliers whenever the requirement for new ideas, innovation, sustainable equipment, software or consumables etc. is there.

Due to the global impact of the corona virus, in terms of topics for individual editions and reporting we will chose and communicate the up-to-date topics according to availability. In reference to events, conferences and fair reporting impacted by Covid-19, we are very flexible and report swiftly once shows are allowed to take place again.

Our Offer
The following business proposals for sponsorship of All About... Sustainability ( are currently available, and custom contracts are also available should you require further support:
Platinum Sponsorship
Includes: Highlight of up to 8 stories/success stories/case studies
Cost: From 7,000 euros/month
Gold Sponsorship
Includes: Highlight of up to 5 stories/success stories/case studies
Cost: From 5,500 euros/month
Silver Sponsorship
Includes: Highlight of up to 3 stories/success stories/case studies
Cost: From 3,500 euros/month
Bronze Sponsorship
Includes: Highlight of up to 1 story/success story/case study
Cost: From 2,500 euros/month
Sponsors receive not only logo placement but can also define themselves in our “Meet Our Sponsors” area. All news, press releases, stories, case studies/success stories will be present in the special column “Latest Sponsor News" that is displayed on all pages of All About... Sustainability – every reader has your news always at hand – a fact that can be hardly overlooked.
In addition, each of the above sponsorship packages for All About... Sustainability ( includes free translation of your press releases, stories/success stories/case studies into all our publication languages.

Monthly sponsorships are available from 1,000 euros onwards which can include but are not limited to:
• Logo placement on materials/website
• News placements with extra links and images

Sabine Slaughter
SAS Visuelle Kommunikation
Osterstrasse 59
30880 Laatzen
Tel. +49 172 511 2633
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