
Gleich doppelten Erfolg erzielte Thimm bei dem diesjährigen POPAI D-A-CH Award in der Kategorie „Schönheit und Düfte“. Mit dem nachhaltigen Bodendisplay „Green Christmas“ für Weleda und der E-Commerce Verpackung für den Onlinehändler Salwa Petersen konnte sich Thimm im Wettbewerb erfolgreich positionieren. Die Gewinner wurden am Abend des 19. Mai im Rahmen einer virtuellen Gala bekannt gegeben.

Thimm is a double award-winner at this year’s POPAI D-A-CH Award in the “Beauty and Fragrances” category. With its sustainable “Green Christmas” floor display for Weleda and e-commerce packaging for online retailer Salwa Petersen, Thimm positioned itself successfully against the competition. The winners were announced in a virtual gala on the evening of 19 May.

Several Koehler flexible packaging paper have been certified by the environmental services provider Interseroh and awarded the „Made for Recycling“ seal. This includes Koehler NexPlus® Advanced, Koehler NexPlus® Seal Pure and Koehler NexPlus® Seal Pure MOB. Among other things, the after-life aspects of collection, sorting and recovery were analyzed. With this seal, the environmental services provider Interseroh certifies that the paper has a very good recycling capability.

Australian personal care brand Natures Organics has launched ‘My Soda’, the first haircare brand in Australia to offer sustainable refill solutions in supermarkets, designed to curb plastic waste by almost 80%, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

Leading specialty chemicals innovator Perstorp is pioneering in the PVC market with the introduction of a general-purpose plasticizer partly based on renewable raw material using a traceable mass balance concept. Emoltene™ 100 Pro is a dipropylheptyl phthalate (DPHP) designed to support sustainable sourcing of renewable and recycled raw materials and reduction of carbon dioxide emission throughout the value chain.

Lessebo Paper reports a continuous decrease in its CO2 emissions: The company emits only 19 kg of CO2 per tonne of paper. This represents a decrease of 14 per cent compared to the 2020 level, which was already historically low. The values are based on last year's data and have now been published in the environmental statement for 2021.

The Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP), the leading authority in sustainable printing certifications, announced today that Smyth Companies has achieved SGP certification at its fourth facility. Smyth, Minneapolis, MN, joins the company’s other certified facilities located in Bedford, VA, Boston, MA and most recently Austin, MN.

Burgopak team up with Holmen Iggesund and Thames Technology to celebrate Earth Day and plant a tree in your name
Burgopak team up with partners at Thames Technology and Holmen Iggesund to support sustainable endeavours in the loyalty and gift card industry

Last year, premium clothes brand GANT launched a circular strategy built on seven business models. They were developed with the help of Jessica Cederberg Wodmar, a sustainability expert who is also passionate about clothes and ensuring that garments have as many lives as possible.

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