The European Commission’s newly adopted Omnibus Sustainability package seeks to address disproportionate rules that impose an excessive burden on EU companies. Intergraf welcomes this initiative and recommends extending these simplification measures to additional policy areas, including the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D), the EU Deforestation Regulation, and the proposed Green Claims Directive

In connection with this, Intergraf has released a position paper outlining the following:

Streamlined reporting obligations for SMEs

Intergraf’s position paper underscores the need to simplify and harmonise reporting obligations for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly printers. Multiple, overlapping reporting requirements from different customers can be overwhelming. Intergraf therefore calls for clear and transparent reporting standards that focus on genuinely significant impacts across SME value chains, reducing complexity and administrative costs.

Presumption of compliance in the EUDR

Intergraf calls on the legislators to extend the simplifaction package to further policy areas, particularly the EU Deforestation Regulation, and to implement a presumption of compliance for supply chains originating within the EU or from low-risk countries. Such a measure would alleviate the documentation burden on SMEs by recognizing that due diligence has been effectively carried out at the source.

Ensuring feasibility in the Green Claims Directive

Intergraf also calls for a thorough evaluation of simplification opportunities in the proposed Green Claims Directive. Substantiating environmental claims presents unique challenges for SMEs. Streamlining these procedures would ensure that the Directive’s requirements remain proportionate and manageable, regardless of company size.

Enhancing Competitiveness of European Printers

The majority of European printing companies are SMEs that operate between large raw material suppliers and major customers, such as brand owners and publishers. Complying with extensive reporting obligations, due diligence measures, and environmental claims procedures not only drives up costs but can also threaten the long-term competitiveness and survival of these businesses.

Intergraf remains committed to collaborating with policymakers to develop targeted approaches that uphold high sustainability standards while acknowledging the practical realities faced by SMEs.


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