Investing in clean hydrogen: GERMAN FUEL CELL COOPERATION (GFC) is presenting its complete line for the production of metallic bipolar plates at HANNOVER MESSE 2024.

The effective production, storage and use of hydrogen as an environmentally neutral fuel is increasingly considered a relevant factor in the decarbonization process. Bipolar plates, one of the core components of PEM electrolysers and fuel cells, play an important role here. The three companies VON ARDENNE, Weil Technology and ZELTWANGER, which have joined forces as partners in the GERMAN FUEL CELL COOPERATION (GFC), are now making an interface-coordinated complete line for the highly efficient production of metallic bipolar plates possible. The joint venture is now showcasing the associated benefits and opportunities at HANNOVER MESSE 2024 at stand D72 in hall 13.

The fully coordinated production line is set to play a pioneering role in the market: By pooling their respective expertise, the three German companies VON ARDENNE (Dresden), Weil Technology (Müllheim) and ZELTWANGER (Tübingen), as partners in the GFC, offer manufacturers of fuel cell and electrolysis stacks comprehensive know-how in all sub-processes for the efficient production of metallic bipolar plates. With an annual production capacity of several million bipolar plates, the troika aims to be able to fully cover the industry's current demand.

All three companies involved contribute highly specialized know-how. Weil Technology, for example, has developed the Laser Welding Cell (LWC), which precisely joins the thin metal foils at high welding speeds. In addition to a manual test station, ZELTWANGER is contributing the fully automated ZED BPP 4-2 test station for leak testing, which also achieves very short cycle times. Finally, the VON ARDENNE coating system uses cathode sputtering or magnetron sputtering in the post-coating process to coat the bipolar plates directly on both sides. The GFC partners support their customers in scaling up processes and systems, from development on a laboratory scale to pilot production and high-volume production. Plants are already being built for leading companies in the hydrogen and fuel cell industry. An ideal prerequisite for reducing dependence on fossil fuels quickly and efficiently.


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