Sustainability as a corporate goal

The Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact has been in existence since 1995. Schreiner Group from Oberschleißheim has been a member since 1996. The common goal of the Bavarian state government, associations and companies is to further promote environmental and climate protection and to better protect the natural basis of life. Sustainability has long been an important corporate goal for Schreiner Group. This is evidenced not only by numerous measures that go far beyond the legal requirements, but also by various cooperative ventures. Now Oberschleißheim's mayor Markus Böck presented the high-tech company with a certificate for its renewed participation in the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact.

"I am very pleased to be able to present Schreiner Group with this certificate. We see every day how important environmental and climate protection are, how important it is to take appropriate measures to protect nature. As a municipality, we are proud that Schreiner Group, the largest local employer, is so sustainably committed to preserving our livelihoods," says Markus Böck, Mayor of Oberschleißheim. The Bavarian Ministry of the Environment is also pleased that Schreiner Group is a participant in the pact for another three years: "We thank you for your environmental commitment and wish you a lot of positive feedback on your participation in the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact."

Important interim successes for Schreiner Group include in particular the strong reduction of CO2 emissions, but also of solvent emissions. Overall, CO2 emissions have been reduced by 65 percent. This was achieved by switching to green electricity, the use of geothermal energy for heating and cooling, many individual energy efficiency measures and the continuous focus on the production of sustainable labels. In addition, photovoltaic systems were installed on the company's own car park roofs, numerous lamps were converted to LED and, just at the beginning of this year, the company installed its own charging points for electric vehicles.

"Climate and environmental protection are important goals for us," says Dr Thomas Gulden, Head of Environmental Protection Management at Schreiner Group. "We try to continuously improve in this regard. That's why we are involved in numerous environmental organisations and networks, be it the Zero Waste network, the Energy Efficiency network, the AK Recycling of the VskE or the Munich Mobility Management Club. Participation in the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact is particularly important to us."


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