Consequences of the energy price explosion
Consequences of the energy price explosion
The initiative aims to work with leaders in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador on environmental, social and governance metrics.
The adoption of ESG metrics and disclosures can enhance the private sector's contribution to improving socioeconomic conditions and environmental resilience, attracting investment and fostering trade opportunities.
ESG reporting can contribute locally to benefit the people and the planet, advance prosperity and improve governance in accordance with the objectives of the Partnership for Central America.
The Guatemalan Grupo Mariposa adopted the World Economic Forum global metrics framework, the first company in Central America to incorporate the metrics in its reports.
Packaging data collection and reporting specialists Ecoveritas today warned that any rowing back on planned Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) reforms are both reckless and irresponsible.
Survey findings reveal 40% of people who choose not to invest make this decision because they simply don’t know how. Roughly 70% of all respondents would be more likely to invest, or invest more, with expanded financial education.
The study finds addressing gaps in financial literacy, as well as improving tailored advice and product awareness, can improve market participation and investment behaviour.
Among those surveyed globally, those investing are skewing younger, with as many as 70% under 45. Most are also primarily looking to build long-term financial security through their investments.
New research from the World Economic Forum finds that 40% of non-investors have chosen not to invest because they do not know how or find it too confusing. Furthermore, roughly 70% of people would be more likely to invest, or invest more, with expanded financial education
Lighter and lighter packaging that requires less material and raw materials - and at the same time we consume more and more of it per year. How can that be? The Society for Packaging Market Research (GVM) is also looking into this. In a current study, it examines the development of the total consumption of packaging between 1991 and 2020 - and what influences it. Because between 1991 and 2020, the amount of packaging increased by 14 per cent (which corresponds to 1 million tonnes).
Way2K: Industry interviews in the lead-up to the K 2022 trade fair
Interview with Christian Schiller, founder and CEO of cirplus GmbH
Iceland remains the world’s most gender-equal country, followed by Finland, Norway, New Zealand and Sweden
With a widening gender gap in the labour force, the cost of living crisis is expected to hit women hardest
COVID-19 set gender parity back by a generation and a weak recovery isn’t compensating for it
Today, the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, ITRE, voted on the revision of the renewable energy directive, or RED III. The vote was a welcome response to the need for an accelerated development of renewable energy sources in Europe. It also confirmed the importance of taking sustainability criteria into account when using biomass as clean energy.
Simple and comprehensible rules for sorting and recycling are key to increasing consumer understanding and awareness of recycling and packaging materials, according to a number of experts invited to an expert discussion during Green Week.
Cepi’s annual statistics for the European pulp and paper industry published today offer a unique view of the current state of the market for pulp and paper products and the industry’s performance. They also allow for an objective analysis of deeper trends behind the industry’s resilience.
The EU Parliament has now adopted its mandates for negotiations on the revision of the emissions trading scheme (ETS), the EU’s main carbon pricing tool, and the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM). Both are instruments to attain the EU’s 2030 climate objectives, supported by Cepi. The Commission’s plan to decarbonise EU industries is now also being reviewed by the European Council.