Around 2,900 exhibitors from more than 50 countries

Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke opens IFAT Munich on 30 May
Three questions for Stefan Rummel, Managing Director of Messe München

Less waste, reusing raw materials, clean water, climate-resilient cities - from 30 May to 3 June 2022, IFAT Munich will showcase technologies and solutions for an environmentally and climate-friendly future. It is the largest network for environmental technologies, bringing together industry, politics, municipalities and science. Three questions about the trade fair to Stefan Rummel, Managing Director of Messe München.

After the forced break caused by Corona, IFAT Munich is taking place again after four years. Is it still comparable to the 2018 trade fair?

Absolutely. The importance of environmental technologies and the demand for them are growing globally. At the same time, the current challenges such as supply bottlenecks and the consequences of the war in Ukraine are also a major topic in the environmental industry. There is therefore once again a lot of demand for personal exchange and information. Around 2,900 exhibitors holistically represent all segments of IFAT: water, sewage, waste and raw materials management. Among them are almost 50 start-ups, more than ever before. More than 50 countries are represented in the exhibition. Besides Germany, the top exhibiting countries are Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Turkey and France. The USA is also very present and companies from Egypt to Singapore to Australia are on board. All this is a clear vote for the largest environmental technology fair in the world.
The supporting programme is also extensive, what are your highlights?

Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke and Bavarian Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber will open the fair. Immediately afterwards, outstanding personalities will discuss the question of how we create change with environmental technology: among others, the founder Mikela Druckman (expert on AI in recycling as well as part of the WEF Global Future Council,) Sucheta Govil (Chief Commercial Officer of Covestro), Prof. Dr. Erich Zahn (co-author of the Club of Rome report "The Limits to Growth") and Dr. Johannes Kirchhoff (Chairman of the Circular Economy Initiative of the Federation of German Industries).

Very concrete knowledge is imparted by the new, guided solution tours on 16 topics. And then, of course, there are the many special shows and expert lectures. The spectrum of topics ranges from the digital twin in water management to construction waste recycling and climate-neutral freight transport.
For the fair itself, you also claim to be sustainable - what exactly are your measures here?

We have adopted a Code of Conduct to make IFAT more sustainable in a continuous process - and can build on an already very "green" infrastructure at Messe München. When it comes to running the trade fair, it's then a matter of things like the selection of materials, the handling of waste - and we also encourage our exhibitors and visitors to make their trade fair participation climate-friendly.

For example, the GoGreen ticket is very well received as a way of offsetting the CO2 footprint. The most sustainable trade fair appearance will be honoured by us with the Sustainability Award, very prominently during the opening. For example, we do without carpets in the halls and thus achieve a CO2 saving equivalent to 1,000 short flights. And the project management of IFAT subjects itself to an audit for climate-neutral trade fair implementation.


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