In a sea of wine or spirit bottles on the shelf, the label is responsible for making an emotional connection with the consumer. The design is key to make this happen. We are seeing wine label designs trend towards richer, thicker uncoated paper stocks and an increasing amount of embellishment features such as metallization.
Customers have hundreds of wine choices available and they make their purchase decision in seconds, largely based on label design. Embellishments like foil stamping enhance brand equity by adding to the luxury positioning of the wine or spirit’s brand while at the same time communicating the promise of quality to the consumer.
The addition of hot- or coldfoil to a label often requires expensive tooling, extra process steps, time consuming setup of the equipment, and extra in-between (setup) waste. Integrating this embellishment process with the digital printing of the label makes the complete production so much easier and can drastically reduce costs of the total production.
With the Xeikon TX500, using TITON toner for the CMYK image and TransferToner for the metallic layer, embellishment can be addgrating this embellishment process with the digital printing of the label makes the complete production so much easier and can drastically reduce costs of the total production.
Wited one-pass with the full color image. The designer of the label has full control of the content of the metallized parts, whatever that is designed with a spotcolor that refers to metallic can be translated on the X-800 DFE towards the 5th color (TransferToner) and will appear as a metal layer on the final label – whether it is a fine line, a solid background, a variable number or barcode… it’s up to the designer’s creativity.
Flexibility: Metallization available from the first label, minimum Job size is one, combine variable printing with variable metallization, support for uncoated papers (which is not available in coldfoil)
Cost efficiency: No stamping tools needed, minimized setup time, less waste, no additional material that needs to be printed
Design freedom: Solid surfaces and small details can be next to each other, no restrictions like with hot stamping tools
Sustainability: No UV-INKS, no laminated plastic as with metallized papers, first food safe digital metallization on the market, one step proces, no intermediate waste
Speed to market: Start your metallized job as soon as you have the print file, no lead time for tools or even longer lead times if corrections are needed inside the tools
Easy to use: Adding metallization is as easy as adding an additional color, easy file handling – all out of one system, perfect register process between printing and metallization – all is printed in the same press, enabling variable elements in sync with variable content of the label