The sustainable packaging industry welcomes a new powerplayer: LEEF and Wisefood are joining forces! A er acquiring Wisefood from Garching in December 2024, Palm leaf specialist LEEF from Potsdam now o cially announces the merger of the two companies. Two of the most innova ve brands in sustainable packaging are coming together, crea ng the perfect synergy.
What does this mean?
• Expanded distribu on channels: LEEF bene ts from Wisefood’s successful e-commerce strategy, while Wisefood gains new opportuni es in o ine retail.
• Greater e ciency & scalability: Synergies and streamlined structures create a powerful supplier for all order sizes – from individual packages to large-scale deliveries.
• Future growth: Alongside the merger, LEEF is launching a new nancing round to secure addi onal growth capital. Strategic Realignment with a Clear Growth Focus
The merger comes with a strategic restructuring of the leadership team: Jens Christoph, formerly CFO, takes over as CEO, bringing extensive experience in corporate nance to drive the company's growth. Eva Unruh, a seasoned nance expert and entrepreneur, steps into the role of CFO, bringing her leadership experience from interna onal companies. Robert Fenyvesi joins as COO, leveraging his exper se in interna onal logis cs and sales. LEEF founder Claudio Fritz-Vie a transi ons into a strategic advisory role as a shareholder, contribu ng his extensive experience, industry knowledge, and vision to drive sustainable growth.
The "New" LEEF – A One-Stop Shop for Sustainable Packaging
LEEF is a leading provider of sustainable packaging solu ons, o ering eco-friendly tableware and innova ve take-away packaging made from CO2-neutral and compostable palm leaves. With the merger, the product range expands to include edible straws, cups, and other innova ve Wisefood products. As a full-range supplier, LEEF will cater to all order sizes – from its own web shop and Wisefood’s and LEEF’s Amazon stores to pla orms like OTTO & eBay, as well as pallet and container deliveries for B2B clients.
Holding interna onal patents in leaf-based packaging, LEEF is a global leader se ng new standards for sustainable packaging without compromising on quality or design. Sustainability is not just a marke ng strategy but the founda on of long-term growth and economic success. The company is commi ed to authen c sustainability over greenwashing and ac vely protects one square meter of rainforest for every plate sold through its LEEF unlimited ini a ve, featured at fes vals like Lollapalooza, Karneval der Kulturen, and Garbicz.
All palm leaf products o ered under the LEEF and Wisefood brands are made from a naturally climate-neutral material, se ng new benchmarks in sustainability.