Filtrona Tapes has issued a call to the luxury goods sector to enhance the opening experience for consumers without compromising sustainability.
With a recent consumer survey finding that 57% of consumers rated difficulty opening as a top packaging frustration, alongside 43% listing recyclability as a key packaging problem, the need to react is clear. The tape solutions provider, which produces innovations such as paper-based, repulpable tear tape Rippatape® Halo, pointed to the need to appeal to the needs of millennial and Gen Z consumers, who demand sustainability and convenience in equal measure.
“Luxury consumers buy luxury goods because they want every aspect of a product to be superb,” said Sarah Rutland, Market Development Manager at Filtrona Tapes. “It’s inconceivable that this wouldn’t extend to the opening experience of a product – the first time they meaningfully engage with their purchase – yet we see many luxury brands overlooking this aspect of their designs.
“It’s hard to create a sense of luxury around a product if it’s frustrating to open. Something as simple as an easy-open tear tape can refine that opening experience and create a more satisfying first impression of your product – and thanks to advanced printing techniques and inline application, it doesn’t have to impact the silhouette or design of the pack at all.”
Filtrona also offers Supastrip® PCR, a tear tape made with 70% post-consumer recycled material, for flexible packaging and shrink wraps. It, along with Rippatape® Halo, meets modern consumer demands for frustration-free unboxing experiences that are also sustainable.
Rutland added: “Luxury goods are ideal vehicles for sustainability because they tend to be durable and made to last, with some luxury goods even passed down through generations while retaining or increasing in value. Many luxury goods are already aligned with the circular economy in that sense – so it makes all the sense in the world for luxury packaging converters to integrate functional yet sustainable opening devices into their packaging, and our paper-based or recycled plastic tear tapes are an easy to implement and effective solution.
“Satisfying opening experiences don’t need to be complex to be valuable. With our added value features and sustainable developments, a ‘simple’ tear tape can still be bursting with innovative potential. Luxury brands are urged to consider the power of sustainably enhancing the opening experience to elevate the consumer relationship with the brand.”