The next Sustainable Foods Summit will focus on circularity. For the first time, the North American edition will discuss approaches to move to circularity in the food industry. How can regenerative agriculture and upcycling help the transition to a circular economy? How can food and beverage brands move away from single-use plastics? How can they innovate with sustainable ingredients? Such questions will be addressed at the North American edition, hosted in San Francisco on 24-25th January.
Regenerative agriculture is getting recognition for its sustainability benefits. Details will be given on standards and certification schemes. Elizabeth Whitlow, Executive Director of Regenerative Organic Alliance, will explain how its certification scheme is gaining traction. Backed by over 110 brands, Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC) has been adopted by 164 farms and 50,605 smallholder farms that manage almost 1.2 million acres of farmland. Details will also be given of other regenerative agriculture schemes, such as Regenified and Soil Carbon Initiative (Green America).
Case studies will be given of operators adopting regenerative agriculture. A representative from Burroughs Family Farms will give the farmers perspective when transitioning to regenerative agriculture. The Californian farm produces almonds according to ROC. Marc Diaz from Terviva will show how his company is growing pongamia trees according to regenerative agriculture. From pongamia beans, the company is producing food ingredients such as protein and oils.
Upcycling plays an important role towards circularity as it helps operators move to zero waste systems. As population growth continues and agricultural land becomes scarce, upcycling enables greater efficiency in the food industry. Daniel Kurzrock - a pioneer with ReGrained and Upcyled Foods Inc, - will give a market update. He will highlight major developments in the upcycled food market, including new ingredients and the Upcycled Food Association certification scheme. Bioveritas and ofi will give details on their upcycled ingredients; the companies are making new ingredients from food side streams.
Biodiversity and nature-positive methods will also be discussed. A leading sustainable food brand will share its experiences in implementing ethical sourcing projects. David McGrath, Deputy Director of Earth Innovation Institute, will show how sustainable farming & fishing can be intertwined with reforestation projects. His organization is implementing projects to protect tropical rainforests in Latin America and Asia. Other speakers will cover nature-positive production methods and deforestation-free supply chains.
Marketing food and beverage products on green credentials brings risks. Rohit Sabnis from Keller & Heckman will give an update on sustainability marketing claims and regulations. With increased scrutiny of green claims and litigation risks, he will give guidance to brands on making defensible claims. Sherry Frey from Nielsen IQ will share the latest consumer trends & research for health & wellness products. She will give some insight into consumer motives to buy sustainable food and beverages. Other speakers will cover marketing climate-neutral products, building distribution, marketing to Gen Z and millennials, and sustainable consumption.