

How can UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 6 be achieved? What measures support the Paris Agreement and how can innovative facade greening improve the urban climate? These and many other key questions will be the focus of attention at ISH 2025.

And solutions will be presented by exhibitors of the world’s leading trade fair for HVAC + Water in Frankfurt am Main from 17 to 21 March 2025. Accompanying the innovations will be a high-grade programme of congresses, lectures, special areas and themed tours offering comprehensive insights into the future of building-services technology and its role in global climate protection.

The world’s leading trade fair for HVAC and water is the national and international meeting place for experts and decision-makers from all branches of the construction industry. Under the motto ‘Solutions for a sustainable future’, ISH 2025 offers a multifaceted programme showcasing the latest innovations and trends in the sanitation and HVAC sector. Highlights include an international water conference, an exciting innovation hub for young professionals, guided themed tours and exclusive special areas that set new standards for modern building design.
Conferences & talks

UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 6 seeks to ensure universal access to clean water and sanitation. At the first ‘Value of Water Conference’, which Messe Frankfurt is organising together with the ‘Handelsblatt’ business newspaper at Messe Frankfurt Congress Centre on 17 and 18 March 2025, experts from the sanitation, real estate and housing industries will meet with political decision-makers, representatives of local authorities and international delegations, as well as non-governmental and development organisations. There, they will discuss global innovations and best practices in the fields of water management and hygiene in and around buildings, with the aim of accelerating progress towards this goal.

Whether the target is greater sustainability, transformation in the heating sector or reducing greenhouse gases, the various sectors in the building industry are facing enormous challenges. The high-level ‘Building Future Conference’ in the ‘Portalhaus’ building of Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre is the meeting place for experts from politics and local government, the real estate and housing sectors, energy suppliers, planners, architects and project developers. The aim of the conference is to develop joint strategies that promote sustainable construction and energy concepts and thus make a significant contribution to climate protection and resource conservation. The Building Future Conference is organised by Messe Frankfurt in partnership with the Federation of German Heating Industry (BDH), the German Association of Air-Conditioning and Ventilation in Buildings (FGK), the German Association for Energy Efficiency in Building Services (VdZ), the German Sanitation, Heating and Air-Conditioning Association (ZVSHK) and other national and international trade associations.

Intelligent building control is also an important subject for property operators and owners, building-equipment planners, facility managers and local authorities. Digitalisation in the sector, areas of use and practical examples are the focus of brief lectures at the Real Estate Forum in Hall 11.1. This meeting place for knowledge transfer and networking is being organised by the VDMA Building Automation and Controls Association and the German Industrial Association for Building Services and Technical Installations (BTGA).

The development of strategies to promote energy-efficient and sustainable building concepts is the focus of two further conferences that have already become a tradition at ISH: the German Energy Consultants’ Day, which is organised by Econsult and will once again be held at the Exhibition Centre, and the House of Energy Congress, an event organised by the eponymous institution in the German state of Hesse, which is set to once again generate important impulses. For the first time, there will also be an Exhibitor Stage at the ISH, which will primarily be used as the setting for exhibitor lectures.

Design Plaza in Hall 3.1 is the main hub for interior design, current trends and future perspectives in the sanitation sector. The wide-ranging programme of events, including lectures, panel discussions and round-table talks, is organised by a number of organisations, including the German Sanitary Industry Association (VDS), the VDMA Sanitary Technology and Design Industry Association and media partners World Architects, Stylepark and Architonic. Additionally, the Design Plaza is the starting point for guided tours of the trade fair and a forum for exchanging ideas and networking.

The focus of the ‘Designplus Award powered by ISH’ is on the latest developments and pioneering ideas combined with trailblazing design. This prestigious award is given by ISH in cooperation with architecture and design platform Stylepark and honours outstanding innovations and sustainable designs in the sanitation, heating and air-conditioning technology sector. Exhibitors can enter in the categories ‘Water & Efficiency +’, ‘HVAC & Sustainability +’, ‘Smart & Control +’ and ‘Design & Innovation +’. New this year are two categories: ‘Sustainable Exhibition Stand +’ and ‘Young Innovators +’. The award-winning entries will be on display throughout ISH 2025, allowing the winners to benefit from international attention and the chance to position themselves as pioneers in the industry. The awards ceremony will take place on the first day of the trade fair. Applications can be submitted from the autumn.

Outstanding products are also the subject of the ZVSHK Product Award, and the association will once again present the ‘Bathroom Comfort for Generations’ design prize at ISH 2025. An expert jury will select the winners from all entries received.
Special Areas

The ‘SPAs, Pools & Wellness’ special area in Hall 3.1 is the place to go for anyone interested in the latest trends and innovations in the swimming pool and wellness segment. This exclusive platform gives manufacturers the opportunity to showcase their projects and solutions for both public and private swimming pools. It is supported by the the German Association for swimming pools and SPAs (bsw) and the German Association for Recreational and Medicinal Bathing (DGfdB).

Another special area, ‘Public, Care Sector Bathrooms & Clean Water’, in Hall 3.0 is devoted to the subject of public sanitary facilities and bathrooms for hospitals and nursing homes, as well as the hygienic supply of drinking water. Trade visitors can also find out more about the latest solutions and best practices. This special area is supported by several partners from the industry, including the DGfdB, the Association of Companies in the Gas and Water Industry (figawa) and the ZVSHK.

For the first time at the coming fair, ISH is spotlighting the bathroom as a holistic spatial experience. Accordingly, consideration will be given to all the design elements that go into making a bathroom. Together with trend scout Frank Reinhardt, the VDS will present bathroom concepts and trends at ‘Pop up my Bathroom’ in Hall 3.1, in which the design of the walls, floor, colour and lighting is in harmony with the bathroom fixtures.

Green roofs and facades contribute to a better climate in towns and cities. The ‘Green Roofs & Facades’ special area shows how they can be implemented, as well as how they are watered and drained. Information will be provided by suppliers of green roofs and facades, service providers, organisations and institutions. The partners of this special area are the ZVSHK, the The German Association of Building Greening (BuGG) and the German Association for Water Recycling and Rainwater Harvesting (FbR).

Skilled trades are particularly well represented at ISH and constitute the largest group of visitors. Accordingly, there is a central meeting place for the skilled trades at the fair (Hall 6.1), which includes a Speakers’ Corner, where short lectures will be held on topics such as digitalisation, the shortage of skilled workers and new products. The partners there include the ZVSHK and other air-conditioning trades.

As part of ‘Meet the Experts’, ISH gives visitors the opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions with experts from the industry in specially designed networking areas in various halls where they can discuss the latest developments and strengthen strategic partnerships. Experts from the sanitation industry will be making presentations in Hall 3.1. Representatives from the VDS, VDMA Sanitary Technology and Design Industry Association and VDMA Valves Association will be on hand to exchange ideas and make new contacts. Hall 8 is dedicated to air-conditioning and ventilation technology. There, the FGK, the German Association of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Contractors (VDKF) and VDMA Air Handling Technology will discuss topics such as air quality and innovative solutions for interiors. In Hall 11.0, the spotlight will be on sustainable wood heating solution. Organised by the Wood Heat Initiative and the ZVSHK, these presentations will demonstrate the potential of wood heating for the energy transition. The focus in Hall 11.1 will be on modern building technologies and automation solutions with expert presentations by the BTGA and VDMA AMG. Finally, BDH, VdZ and ZVSHK will be sharing their insights into a sustainable heating transition in the building sector in the foyer of Hall 12.0.
ISH Festival

The ISH Festival is aimed above all at the up-and-coming generation of the sanitation and heating industry. In Hall 6.1, young tradespeople and apprentices will find a variety of zones and areas offering a wealth of interesting activities and learning opportunities, for example, the ‘Plumbing Champions’ show, organised in cooperation with the World Plumbing Council. There, throughout the five-day event, young tradespeople from around the world will give live demonstrations of their skills. Then, at the end of the fair, the results of their work will be donated to a social institution in Frankfurt, and installed there. Another highlight of the festival promises to be the Creator Stage. The programme of events includes the presentation of innovative ideas and many practical demonstrations. Selected content creators and exhibitors from the ISH industry will be on hand to network and exchange experiences. An ‘adventure trail’ will also be part of the festival. There, the aim is to solve practical tasks set by exhibitors, gather information and deepen knowledge. In addition to this, there will be a ‘fun trail’ that is sure to make the fair an even more pleasurable experience.

Young, innovative companies can present themselves in the ‘Innovation Hub’ in Hall 11.1. The Start-up Area, organised by the German Association for Energy Efficiency in Building Services (VdZ), offers an ideal platform that focuses on the next generation of the industry. The aim is to make it easier for young companies to enter the market and offer them access to a broad network of new contacts. Here they have the opportunity to network and present their own innovations.
Guided Tours

The Guided Tours at ISH give visitors the chance to get to know selected exhibitors and innovations and to gain deeper insights into the latest trends and technologies in the sanitation and HVAC industry. Revolving around specific themes, the tours are aimed at different target groups. Participants benefit from rapid orientation and targeted knowledge transfer on current developments in the sector.


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