
Photo: Trumpf

High raw material and energy costs require consistent, continuous optimisation of the company's own processes // Thomas Rupp, Managing Director Smart Factory Consulting: "Our consultancy uniquely combines methodological expertise with a deep understanding of processes and technology in the sheet metal industry."

Laundry detergents and household cleaner formulations reflect current trends – BASF combines performance and sustainability

BASF's Personal Care business shows focus on sustainability and digitalization for environmentally conscious consumers

CO₂-compensated "climate" variants of the Wallbox Home Eco and Wallbox Energy Control now available

CO₂ emissions of these wallboxes are offset by supporting selected climate protection projects
Production in Germany leads to high transparency in CO₂ emissions
Cooperation with ZusammenStromen GmbH offers wallbox buyers with an electric car a payout of 400 EUR
Activities contribute to the Group's climate neutrality by 2030

Microban International is pleased to announce a new partnership with Cosmo®, a world leader in eco-friendly and sustainable footwear textiles. Cosmo is now the exclusive Microban Approved Component Supplier (ACS) partner in the footwear category, providing materials treated with Microban® antimicrobial technology to all global footwear brands.

In April 2022, the CO-VERSATILE project launched its innovative Digital Technopole. Since then, this cloud-based single-entry point has flourished and evolved, paving the way for better collaboration and resource sharing across Europe.

The future of sustainable manufacturing was on display last Friday as 20 startups pitched innovations that expanded the perception of what is possible, with eight winning ideas sharing in €160,000 in cash prizes, at the EIT Manufacturing BoostUp! 2022 Grand Final in Athens.

To meet the demand for sustainable and innovative building solutions, Stora Enso is launching Sylva™ by Stora Enso. This is a construction kit consisting of prefabricated, customised solid wood elements that are delivered just-in-time to the construction site. This solution enables faster construction, lower costs, more efficient use of raw materials and fewer emissions than steel and concrete.

To mark this year’s World Mental Health Day, Shyam Bishen - Head of Health and Healthcare at the World Economic Forum - calls for stakeholders from the public and private sectors to come together and realise the vision of this year's World Mental Health Day to "Make mental health & well-being for all a global priority."

New four-year EU-funded Horizon Europe project ROADVIEW strengthens European competence in automated driving, by concentrating on one of the biggest challenges in the field: operating efficiently in different weather and traffic scenarios. Specialised in all-weather SAE Level 4 full-stack software for automated vehicles, Sensible 4 is one of the partners in the consortium.

HEIDELBERG AMPERFIED Wallboxes now available with individually printed front panel

Cooperation of Amperfied GmbH with WIRmachenDRUCK GmbH enables 4/0-color digital printing with custom motifs
Target group are business but also residential customers
Wall-mounted charging station Energy Control for commercial users with 900 EUR per charging station KfW-eligible

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